By Yinka Odumakin
accessory before the fact is one whose will contributes to the felony
committed and he must be too far away to render assistance, or he
becomes a principal in the second degree. An accessory is criminally
responsible for all the probable consequences of the act committed. An
accessory after the fact is one who, knowing a felony has been committed, aids
the felon in his effort to escape punishment.
*El-Rufai |
is essential that the accessory after the fact should have notice that the
person whom he assists has committed a felony, and the felony must have been
fully completed. Also that the assistance given is to prevent the
apprehension, trial or punishment of the felon. This introductory
definition is necessary in appreciating the confessions by the governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai that he
knows the murderers who have been killing the minority Christians in Southern Kaduna and has been making monetary
compensations to them instead of bringing them to justice.
The Vanguard edition of December 3,2016 quoted the
governor as telling newsmen the unimaginable:
southern Kaduna,
we didn’t understand what was going on and we decided to set up a committee
under Gen. Martin Luther Agwai (rtd) to find out what was going on there. What
was established was that the root of the problem has a history starting from
the 2011 post-election violence. Fulani herdsmen from across Africa bring their
cattle down towards Middle Belt and Southern Nigeria. The moment the rains starts
around March, April, they start moving them up to go back to their various
communities and countries.
it was when they were moving up with their cattle across Southern Kaduna that the elections of 2011 took place
and the crisis trapped some of them.
of them were from Niger, Cameroon, Chad, Mali and Senegal.
Fulanis are in 14 African countries and they traverse this country with the
many of these people were killed, cattle lost and they organised themselves and
came back to revenge.
a lot of what was happening in Southern Kaduna was actually from outside Nigeria.
We got a hint that the late Governor Patrick Yakowa got this information and he
sent someone to go round some of these Fulani communities, but of course after
he died, the whole thing stopped. That is what we inherited. But the Agwai
committee established that.
took certain steps. We got a group of people that were going round trying to
trace some of these people in Cameroon, Niger republic and so on to tell them
that there is a new governor who is Fulani like them and has no problem paying
compensations for lives lost and he is begging them to stop killing.
most of the communities, once that appeal was made to them, they said they have
forgiven. There are one or two that asked for monetary compensation. They said
they have forgiven the death of human beings, but want compensation for cattle.
We said no problem, and we paid some. As recently as two weeks ago, the team
went to Niger Republic to attend one Fulani gathering that
they hold every year with a message from me.”