Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Has President Buhari Forgotten Leah Sharibu?

By Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye
As President Muhammadu Buhari, the commander-in-chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, moved from one state to another, campaigning for a second term despite nearly four years in office which has been widely adjudged a horrendous failure, a 15-year old, tender, innocent girl named Leah Sharibu remained a hapless, pathetic, traumatized captive of Boko Haram terrorists, obviously,  under the most dehumanising conditions.
*Leah Sharibu 
Given what has, reportedly, been the horrible experiences of young, beautiful girls like her who have been captured by these terrorists, one is really scared to imagine what Leah might have been subjected to for nearly one year now. Most painful is that she hardly gets mentioned again these days by those whose job it is to rescue and bring her home!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

'NIGERIA: Why Looting May Not Stop' – The Book Every Nigerian Should Read!

Now Available on AMAZON

Excerpt from the blurb:
''…Graphically presented in this book is the complicated case of a pathetically malformed giant in continuous, clearly avoidable decline where institutionalised corruption, misgovernance, mediocrity and, worse, collaborative passivity (or even outright solidarity) with thieving public officers by sections of the citizenry, have joined forces to continue grossly diminishing and degrading a generously endowed country…''

This book might make you sad and angry (and it should); but it should motivate you to do what is possible and needful to salvage your country…

Time to halt the rot…


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Monday, February 25, 2019

Remembering Bola Ige

By Abiodun Komolafe
Ethno-religious leanings or socio-political ideology notwithstanding, it is almost improbable for any society to underestimate the contributions of some people to the emancipation of its people and the realization of the dream of its founding fathers. For instance, America will forever remain grateful to the likes of Martin Waldseemuller, Stephen Moylan, George Washington and Martin Luther King Jnr. for their contributions, one way or the other, to the realization of the American dream as a land of equal opportunity for all.
*Bola Ige 
In like manner, China’s economy wouldn’t have become “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history” to the extent of having “lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty” but for the political sagacity and economic ingenuity of leaders like Chairman Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Buhari, El-Rufai And Other Body Bag Democrats

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
Any doubt about the nation being imperilled by its warped leadership recruitment has been counteracted by sundry developments in this electoral season. We are again confronted with the stark reminder that in over five decades, those we have entrusted with leadership have often unravelled as a bunch of incompetents who strive to plumb the nadir of retrogression. Thus, the tragedy is that in every epoch, the messiah we think has been thrown up to reverse the savage depredations of his predecessor uncannily considers himself as holding the mandate of surpassing the greed and a lack of direction of past national villains.
*President Buhari and Gov El-Rufai 
 To be sure, this bleak state of national affairs becomes inevitable as long as it is not those who have prepared for leadership that we allow to lead. We are neither attracted to them by the incipient genius in leadership they have demonstrated in community service nor their championing of a pro-people cause. Eventually, those we are saddled with as leaders, in the words of Nasir El-Rufai are “accidental public servants.” 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Nigeria: Only Fools Die For Looters!

By Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye
A chapter in my new book, NIGERIA: Why Looting May Not Stop (which will be in bookstores in Lagos next week) is entitled, ‘Dying For Looters.’
Tomorrow (Feb 16, 2019) is the presidential and national assembly elections in Nigeria. One very sad, painful truth is that there are some fellows who call themselves “party supporters” who may not live to see the end of the voting exercise tomorrow or hear the results declared. 

Buhari Not Wanted On This Journey

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
Until after the election of Saturday, we are denied the prescience to tabulate its winner and losers and thus the nation’s president in the next four years. Clearly, poll predictions, even when they seem to be highly informed, have oftentimes been trumped by reality. But one thing is certain: We should be preoccupied with a post-Buhari era if we are genuinely interested in the continued existence of the country . In other words, the citizens should muster sufficient patriotic fervour to consign the re-election ambition of President Muhammadu Buhari to the realm of unrestrained fantasy.
*President Buhari 
The country is on the cusp of a new era where Buhari does not fit in. For in less than four years, we have seen enough of the president to be secure in the conviction that he is a blight not only on the nation’s corporate existence but also on individual citizens’ lives. Or why has Buhari’s second coming brought so much hardship to the citizens? Why has he been a source of massive unemployment resulting in several suicides?

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Flowing Tears Of Leah Sharibu

By Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye
As President Muhammadu Buhari, the commander-in-chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, moves from one state to another, campaigning for a second term despite nearly four years in office which has been widely adjudged a horrendous failure, a 15-year old, tender, innocent girl named Leah Sharibu remains a hapless, pathetic, traumatized captive of Boko Haram terrorists, obviously,   under the most dehumanising conditions.
*Leah Sharibu
Given what has, reportedly, been the horrible experiences of young, beautiful girls like her who have been captured by these terrorists, one is really scared to imagine what Leah might have been subjected to for nearly one year now. Most painful is that she hardly gets mentioned again these days by those whose job it is to rescue and bring her home!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Buhari And The Enduring Hate Narrative

By Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye
In the buildup to the 2015 elections, the wild, uproarious promotion of General Muhammadu Buhari, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), as the man with the panacea for   Nigeria’s myriad of problems wasted no time in saturating the air.
*President Buhari 
This was sloppily packaged with a strange, aggressive refusal to give the slightest consideration for any voice of caution, any alternative opinion no matter how sound and redemptive. You either joined the rowdy herd or you are a “hater” of the “messiah.” 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Nigeria: Youthful President? Whitewashing 2019 For 2023 Mirage

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
With the obvious dominance of the two major political parties and the imminent abortion of a third force, the dream of a youthful president this year is gradually receding.
*Durotoye, Moghalu and Sowore
But those who have surrounded this year with the halo of an epochal period for an inevitable break with the nation’s trajectory of geriatric presidents have obviously given up too early. After all, the next president would only be declared after the election of February 16. So, it is still a possibility that some future political circumstances could throw up a youthful president this year.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Presidential Debate: Between Buhari And Atiku

By Jude Ndukwe
The much talked about Presidential Debate scheduled to hold on Saturday, January 19, 2019, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, has come and gone but not without its dramas that have kept Nigerians wondering and talking about so many things including why the incumbent, President Muhammadu Buhari, shunned the debate, and why his closest challenger, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, excused himself from it after realizing that the incumbent was not going to be in attendance.
*Atiku and Buhari 
The debate was supposed to be a Presidential Debate. Such debates world over lose their essence and savour once the incumbent is not present, and it is unthinkable that the incumbent in the US, for example, would miss out on such a debate since the debate is designed to scrutinize the performance of the incumbent/his party and extract commitments from the contenders.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Buhari, Onnoghen Et Al And Their Common DNA

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
Except the unabashed pretenders to the throne of equity and transparency, Nigerians need not be shocked by the murkiness and ravenous appetite with which the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen, has been identified. If the alleged fraud of Onnoghen centres on his not claiming what is his, a greater tragedy is the Nigerian state and its leaders claiming what is not theirs.
*Justice Onnoghen 
In that case, how could it be strange that the chief judicial officer allegedly pleaded amnesia to mitigate his culpability when the entire fabric of the Nigerian nation is steeped in fraud? It was fraud that actuated the cobbling together of Nigeria in the first place.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

President Buhari And The Arrogance Of Power

By Anthony Igiehon
Ahead of the 58th quadrennial United States presidential election on November 8, 2016, the world watched with bated breath as the two major candidates in the election, Republican Candidate Donald Trump and Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton went head to head at three separate debates held at New York’s Hofstra University (September 26, 2016), Washington University in St. Louis (October 9, 2016), and University of Nevada, Las Vegas (October 19, 2016).
*President Buhari 
For the two candidates who met the Commission on Presidential Debates’ criteria for participation, the debates provided a much-needed platform to present to the American voting public their plans or reform proposals on a number of foreign and domestic issues.

Monday, January 28, 2019

President Buhari’s Act Of Tyrannical Desperation

By Ilemona Onoja
It is probably no longer news to Nigerians that in, what can only be seen as an act of tyrannical desperation, President Muhammadu Buhari has announced an illegal suspension of the Chief Justice of the Federation – Justice Walter Nkanu Onnoghen. The move which was announced a few days ago is seen by most Nigerians as what it is, a last ditch effort to prevent Justice Onnoghen from empanelling the election petition tribunal judges who are to oversee disputes arising from the conduct of the 2019 general elections.
*President Muhammadu Buhari 
The announcement preceded the hurried swearing of Justice Ibrahim Tanko Mohammed as acting Chief Justice of the Federation. I will speak about the disappointment of Justice Mohammed offering himself up for appointment in this manner on another occasion. 

18 Years Without Justice For Chief Bola Ige

By Dan Amor
A calculated insult and the guilt preceded his death, stealing from the actual murder all its potential impact and drama. There never was a crime more dramatically rehearsed, and the tale only provides it could not have been otherwise. Yet there are no clues to be uncovered, no enigmas to be revealed; for this was a murder almost predicted like its predecessors.
*Bola Ige
As a principled and astute politician, even though he agreed to serve in former President Olusegun Obasanjo's cabinet, Chief Bola Ige did not preach to Nigerians. But he provoked questions and left us in no doubt as to where he stood . He shared none of the current tastes for blurred conflicts, ambiguous characters and equivocal opinions. Nor was he disdainful of strong dramatic situations building up for firm climaxes. From the critic's point of view, the plot of Ige's senseless murder in December 2001, in its high velocity treachery, summarizes modern Nigeria in one word: "shame".

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Restructuring And Its Feasibility

Folk food for thought and some hard knots and nuts to crack (5)
By Chinweizu, the Back Room Boy.

Despite evidence of an incipient southern solidarity, pessimists are likely to believe that hoping to restructure Nigeria is utopian this late in the day in the Caliphate agenda when it is almost game, set and match to the Caliphate Jihadists.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Resist Buhari’s Most Brazen Assault On The Constitution! – Agbakoba

Nigerians Must Resist President Buhari’s Attack On The Constitution
*Dr. Olisa Agbakoba 
President Muhammadu Buhari`s suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen is the most brazen assault on Nigeria`s constitutional history. The President has obviously not listened to the advice of the Hon. Attorney General of the Federation or the Attorney General of the Federation has misadvised him or both.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Leveler And His Next Level

By Banji Ojewale
I met a man at an intersection in one of the towns of Nigeria, as he headed for where he called No man’s land. I didn’t know where the place was. Nor had I heard of an area by that name in our beloved country. I wanted to find out more about his destination and his mission there. He rejected my entreaties. Instead, he pleaded I should follow him, so I could learn more through experience.

I politely turned down his request. “I’m on national assignment,’’ I told him. 
“It’s a task not brooking personal distractions or extraneous considerations such as you’re asking me to undertake’’.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Nigeria: Outsourced Campaign And Presidency

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
Even in saner times, the citizens are confronted with an epic struggle in an attempt to trust their politicians. Bogged down by decades of treacheries that have manifested in the repudiation of promises on whose back politicians got to office, the prospect of the citizens trusting them is effortlessly rendered nugatory.
*President Buhari
All the citizens could see is a land strewn with broken promises and the politicians as a venality-plagued species of humanity who veil their self-serving ambitions as the inevitable means of the people attaining development.  Yet, because politicians are indispensable components of the democratic experience, the citizens have to learn to tolerate their peccadilloes, vanities and cupidity. The duplicities of politicians often gain heightened expression in the times of campaigns for offices. Our country is in such times now.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Nigeria: Letter To Our Politicians

By Tony Afejuku
What a Christmas it has been! What a new year it will be! And what future of our country confronts us! Where are our politicians to write and shape Paradise that our country wants? These were nagging questions, nagging thoughts that were versions and portraits and figures and images that were collectively part of my mental voyage as I spent ample time walking, thinking, meditating and trying to write about our country.

The source of my image-making power which is my sub-conscious mind moved and moved toward political action in our country as I paced about in the serenity of my wonderfully quiet abode of plain living devoid of material things that tantalize our politicians everywhere, materials things that our politicians crave, and which have turned them into exploiters, speculators, avaricious financiers who have unleashed in our country economic inferno preventing workers, including university lecturers and professors, from enjoying minimum wages corresponding to their labours.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Musings On President Buhari’s Eldorado

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
By not preceding his quest for re-election with an apology for his current poor performance, President Muhammadu Buhari has taken the citizens he is seeking their votes for granted. His is a campaign driven by the notion of the citizens as not being discerning enough to know what is right for them. Buhari and his party are propelled by the illusion that the political enlightenment of the majority of the voters is still at an inchoate stage. 
Buhari would only realise the falsity of this notion when he has been sent back to Daura. In Daura, he would rue his not taking cognisance of the fact that it was the same voters whom former President Goodluck Jonathan and his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) disdained by not living up to their expectations who sent them out of Aso Rock.