

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Restructuring And Its Feasibility

Folk food for thought and some hard knots and nuts to crack (5)
By Chinweizu, the Back Room Boy.

Despite evidence of an incipient southern solidarity, pessimists are likely to believe that hoping to restructure Nigeria is utopian this late in the day in the Caliphate agenda when it is almost game, set and match to the Caliphate Jihadists.
However, history shows that some presumed utopias do get realized if correct efforts are made, and provided the difficulties are not masked or overlooked. Even though this is a last minute beginning of Southern solidarity, a good beginning has been made. It has finally dawned on us all that Southern unity is where we must start our journey to liberation, and that restructuring is where we need to first go.

That first step taken, how do we get there? What particular road can take us there? Let’s see if some folk wisdom can show us the next challenges we must urgently prepare to meet and overcome on our way.

How do we persuade the Caliphate colonialists to negotiate and concede the type of country that the restructuring movement wants? A type of country that is anathema to them; a type of country that, in order to avoid, they have, for the past 6 decades, made pogroms, made coups, made war and threatened war; reneged on agreements, rigged censuses, annulled and rigged elections; advanced Sharia, waged jihad, advocated and even attempted genocide. A type of country they have used every trick, threat and stratagem to avoid.

Let’s remind ourselves of the type of country the Caliphate wants and how it proposes to get it.
The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great-grandfather, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities of the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.”
Sir Ahmadu Bello, Leader of the NPC and Premier of Northern Nigeria, (Parrot Newspaper, 12th Oct. 1960)
“When the British leave, we shall sweep the Ibos into the sea”
Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto, in the Daily Times. (1954)
-- Usman Faruk, (August 2012). Faruk had been the military governor of North-West State in the Yakubu Gowon regime.
“We can do away with 20 million [Niger Delta] militants for the rest 120 million Nigerians to live.
--Bala Ibn N’Allah of Kebbi State (2009). This is an incitement to genocide by a Caliphate member of the Nigerian House of Representatives.
It is extracted from this:
“What is happening in the Niger Delta is pure criminality of the highest order, arising from total disregard for constituted authority. In Iraq, thousands of people lost their lives because of an insurrection against the government during the reign of former Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein. We can do away with 20 million militants for the rest 120 million Nigerians to live. (emphasis added)
--Bala Ibn N’Allah of Kebbi State (2009). (The Guardian, Thursday, May 28, 2009).
There we have it in their own words: the type of Nigeria the Caliphate has been building these six decades, and insists on getting and keeping forever!

Yes, Southerners rightly want a new deal in Nigeria. But do the Caliphate Colonialists? And why should they?

For a reality check, let’s remind ourselves that the 1914 Amalgamation was effected as a marriage between the North, as the husband, and the South, as the wife. That gave the North, as husband, all the aces.
Ray Ekpu has reported that at some recent seminar OBJ stated that the Nigerian union is a husband-wife union.

Obasanjo’s thesis at the seminar was that we have a large enough cake to go round which is correct. He also said our relationship as component groups is like that of a husband and his wife. That is where the problem lies. I hope he was joking because in the Nigerian context the husband is the master and the wife virtually the slave.

Well, OBJ wasn’t joking, he was reporting the facts. That’s exactly how Lord Harcourt, the amalgamator, described the union he was sending Lugard to effect.
Lord Harcourt’s statement is quoted in Chinweizu, Caliphate Colonialism, the Taproot of the Trouble with Nigeria, Lagos: Clear Coast Communications, 2015.  pp. 16-17.
Or search for Harcourt in

Caliphate Colonialism-The taproot of the trouble with Nigeria (Shekere)

Unfortunately for the South, it is a fact that the amalgamation of 1914 gave the North, as husband, all the aces.

Folk wisdom from the old Wild West in America says: A man with four aces doesn’t ask for a new deal.
And the Caliphate still has all the aces today: The Nigerian government with its oil revenue, its propaganda apparatus, diplomacy organs and security forces; their fraudulent constitution with its fake democracy; their Boko Haram Jihad army and Fulani ethnic cleansing militia; and the mumu (chronic ignorance/or is it stupidity?) of the non-Caliphate Nigerians.

While having all the aces, why would the Caliphate want or accept a new deal?

How can you get them to want, accept, and abide by, a new deal? That’s Riddle #1. Put differently, Riddle #1 states: If a cat is living in a cage with mice, what would get the cat to want, agree to, and abide by, a rule that forbids carnivorousness, and mousing (eating mice) specifically?

Let’s assume you answer Riddle #1.

You’ve brought the horse to the water. Now, how do you make him drink? And drink your water whose taste he finds bitter, and hates with a passion?

People do not give up their colonies, power or privileges unless they must. And even then, few are wise enough to do so gracefully before they are overthrown and compelled. And that is what, in asking for restructuring, we seem to be expecting the Caliphate Colonialists to do: gracefully surrender the power of the husband that was given to them in 1914, and which they have done everything to retain since 1959. Will they surrender their hard won power? Not bloody likely, given their track record and their Jihad agenda. Furthermore, as one eminent historian has pointed out: “Those in power never give way, and admit defeat only to plot and scheme to regain their lost power and privilege.”  That was exactly what the Caliphate did to the Aburi Accord and to June 12.

So, how do we get them to negotiate away their power at some Restructuring Conference assuming, by some miracle, we bring them there?

Folk wisdom from the old Wild West also says: A Smith & Wesson beats four aces. If we get the Caliphate to the restructuring conference table by solving Riddle #1, where is our political equivalent of a Smith & Wesson to beat his four aces?

That’s Riddle #2.

In approaching these two riddles, let’s first determine the following preliminaries:

1] Does an answer actually exist for each?

2] If it does, then what is it?

3] Can we get and apply it before the October 1, 2017 deadline?

Fermat’s Last Theorem has a proof, but it took 3½ centuries to find it. Our riddles may have solutions, but we don’t have the luxury of 3½ centuries to find them. We have just three months to find, and then use, them to win our victory by effecting a divorce from our wife-tormenting husband and enslaver.

We, therefore, need all hands and minds on deck to answer and solve these riddles and preliminary questions.
It is also said that the best way to have a good idea is to have lots and lots of ideas. So let’s all go at it and pour out all the ideas we can dream up. The sorting out of the useful from the rest will come later.

By the way, these riddles to solve, these knots and nuts to crack, are for all non-Caliphate Nigerians who want a genuine restructuring of Nigeria, whether they are from the SW, SS, SE, or MB (what I call the New South: i.e. south of the Caliphate’s Shariyaland). They all need to join in the search. So let’s get them all involved in this search for answers; let the South reach out and bring in the Middle Belt in this search for answers.

From the Backroom

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