Showing posts with label "You Must Set Forth at Dawn" by Wole Soyinka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "You Must Set Forth at Dawn" by Wole Soyinka. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

A Nation Without Roads

 By Sunny 

The road constitutes a met­aphor of life’s journey for Africans. It is central to the configuration and under­standing of the metaphysical nexus between the abode of the dead and that of the living that we call life. The metaphoric and metaphysical essence of the road also mediates life’s journey and its uncertain twists and turns.

The road is benign as it connects people and places. The road is also a cruel phenomenon as it has thrown people and places into mourning. The road consumes hu­manity. It engenders loss. African literature in its depiction of the African predicament whether it is physical or existential has remained the most fertile site for the plural manifestations of the essence of the road.