Saturday, November 21, 2015

Change, Nigeria’s Political Challenges, And The Canadian Example

By Nduka Otiono

The generally peaceful conduct of the March 28, 2015 Nigerian presidential election and the gracious acceptance of defeat by the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) strongly signaled that Nigeria may have turned a new page, politically.

Other indicators of a new turn for Africa’s largest democratic country and economy are the following firsts in the country’s annals: the widespread innovative use of technology for the process—the use of card readers; the overthrow of the ruling PDP by the General Muhammadu Buhari-led All Progressives Congress (APC) through the ballot box after 16 years of dominance; the election of four none indigenes of a state (Lagos State) as members of the Federal House of Representatives; and the above-average performance of the National Electoral Commission in ways that suggest considerable independence of the electoral umpire.  

Although news reports suggested a poor turnout for the second-tier of the 2015 elections into governorship and state parliamentary positions, the relative voter apathy did not becloud the overall plaudits that the current political process has earned locally and internationally. So, too, did the reports of violence leading to death in sections of the country and the localized electoral malpractices not detract from the respectable scorecard of the electoral commission.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Remembering Ken Saro-Wiwa

By Banji Ojewale

We are prepared to fight to the last cup of blood…
The Ogoni people are determined: everyman, woman and child will die before Nigerians will steal their oil anymore
–  Ken Saro-Wiwa (1941-1945)

20 years ago on November10,1995, more than two years after he made this grim prediction, Ken Saro-Wiwa, renowned writer, TV producer, newspaper columnist and irrepressible minority and environment rights campaigner did indeed die. But not a natural death. He was executed along with eight others by a Nigerian state in the grip of military dictator Sani Abacha who felt he had run out of patience with the man that pummeled Nigeria for her tragic ecological record in the Niger Delta notably, Ogoni land.

Ken battled the reckless degradation of Ogoni as no one else did. For years before he was arrested and subjected to a kangaroo trial that ended with his execution, Saro-Wiwa stood on the tripod of intellectual discourse, writing and peaceful protests to lash out at the conspiracy of government and the oil companies that despoiled his people. He argued that this infernal bond between an “irresponsible” government and “indifferent” oil companies resulting in death-dealing blows on his kinsmen was unacceptable. Big money came from the frenetic oil exploration (exploitation). But Ogoni had nothing to show for being the bird that produced the golden eggs. Instead Ogoni had pain. Saro-Wiwa lamented that these arose from the fact that in a so-called federal set up the rights of the minority were appropriated by the state and added to the rights of the majority ethnic groups.

So quite early in his life, Saro-Wiwa decided to fight the system that encouraged this arrangement. He studied the writings of the great Chief Obafemi Awolowo, for whom he had a god-like reverence. Awo’s philosophy on how to handle the minority question-detailed in three of the major books he wrote between the 50s and 60s-warned against a contraption justifying or allowing for the economic and political suppression of the small groups by the ethnic ones. The system must accommodate the minorities as equal partners enjoying the same rights as the majors; they must have autonomy and be allowed control of their resources and their environment in the same way the majority was allowed. He predicted calamitous outcome if the minorities were not so permitted to be. The collapse of Yugoslavia and USSR proved Awolowo right.

Alleged Missing 105 Soldiers: Report Grossly Exaggerated – Nigerian Army

Press Release 
The attention of the Theatre Command Headquarters Maiduguri has been drawn to various releases on social media on the operation at Gudumbali , northern Borno State. Most of the publications are not only fictions but imagination of the writers that have no iota of knowledge on military operation. Unfortunately, this is coming at a time when the military has created several avenues for them to get first hand information on our activities.

In the quest to be on the same footing with each Nigerian, Media centre was established in the North East. Additional to this is the open door policy of the leadership style of our chief of Army Staff Lt Gen TY Buratai where he carries throughout his operational engagements media personalities. For the records Gulumba was captured by own troops on 10 November 2015 and our troops deployed to secure and weed off Boko Haram terrorists.

President Buhari Dupes The United States!

With the glitter of fool’s gold, Nigeria’s recently elected  President Muhammadu Buhari arrived in the United States in July uttering time-worn democracy vows to President Barack Obama and his administration. Among other things, he pledged at the United States Institute for Peace to combat graft with procedures that would be “fair, just, and scrupulously follow due process and the rule of law, as enshrined in our constitution.”
Skepticism is in order— a conclusion reinforced by the ongoing persecution of  former National Security Advisor Sambo Dasuki for alleged money laundering and illegal possession of firearms.
But first some background.
Mr. Buhari initially tasted power as a military dictator following a coup de tat in 1983. His dictatorship was earmarked by chilling human rights abuses. Take the word of Nigerian Nobel Prize laureate Wole Soyinka.
Among other things … Mr. Buhari’s draconian edicts, exemplified by Decree 20 under which the judicial murders of Nigerian citizens Lawal Ojuolape, Bernard Ogedengbe, and Bartholomew Owoh were authorized. Mr. Obedengbe was executed for a crime that did not carry the death penalty at the time it was committed in violation of the universal revulsion of ex post facto laws…
Mr. Buhari turned the nation into a slave plantation, and forbade the slaves from any discussion of their enslavement—especially a return to democracy. He favored the north over the south, dividing rather than unifying Nigeria after the convulsions of the 1967-70 Biafran War. He lent support to the introduction of Sharia law in the North—a major source of strife and disharmony.
Mr. Buhari’s brutal military dictatorship was overthrown in 1985. Mr. Dasuki played a key role. Dictators do not forget. Fast forward to today.
After celebrating fairness, due process, and the rule of law last July to win the good will of the United States, Mr. Buhari returned to Nigeria to mock all three in a vendetta against the Dasuki, the immediate past National Security Adviser.
He placed Mr. Dasuki under house arrest. He confiscated his passport. He charged him with firearms and money laundering violations. He sought a secret trial to prevent independent scrutiny.
He opposed Mr. Dasuki’s pretrial application to the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja for permission to receive urgent medical treatment for cancer in London, but it was nonetheless granted.
Justice Adeniyi Ademola explained that an accused is presumed innocent before trial, and that a citizen’s health is paramount before the law. Mr. Buhari was ordered to release Mr. Dasuki’s international passport.
Mr. Buhari defied the order. He put Mr. Dasuki’s house under siege, a microcosm of the Bosnian Serb siege of Sarajevo. Mr. Dasuki returned to court. Justice Ademola reaffirmed his order, asserting “My own orders will not be flouted.”

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Solving The Biafra Agitation Problem

By Hannatu Musawa

Bckground: For 16 years now, the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has made its voice heard. Emeka Ojukwu was alive when MASSOB was formed but he never gave it support, nor have important political and traditional leaders of south-eastern Nigeria. MASSOB leader Ralph Uwazuruike has, several times, clarified that MASSOB is not a violent group and will not engage in armed struggle. The group has relied on some provisions in the United Nations Charter, especially those relating to people’s right to self-determination.  What has made MASSOB and its younger sibling IPOB (Indigenous Peoples of Biafra) popular both at home and abroad is the occasional crackdown on their members during peaceful protests.

*Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu being sworn 
in as the head of state of the Republic of 
Biafra in May 1967

If a referendum were held today, there is no doubt that over 70% of people in the five south-east states would vote YES for separation. A little over 50% in Rivers State would also vote YES. Between 40% and 50% might vote YES in other south-south states: Bayelsa, Delta, Cross River, Akwa Ibom and Edo.
A similar result might be reproduced if the people of the south-west were to be subjected to a referendum to determine whether Oduduwa republic should come into being.

Therefore, the Federal Government should not agree to a referendum. Every section in Nigeria feels marginalised in Nigeria, apparently because the country is not practising true federalism. The state of the nation’s economy is also a contributor: Many have fallen on hard times and become frustrated.
Political Reform
Political reform is the way to go. The current 36-state structure is not working; it should be replaced by a six-region federal structure. The 2014 National Conference, therefore, needs to be re-examined. The government can go back to that conference and other previous conferences and provide a white paper. Barring any obstacle that may be constituted by the National Assembly, a new political structure should take effect from 2019, along with a new revenue allocation formula. There would not be loud cries over Biafra or Oduduwa or Boko Haram after a restructuring that would shift the country away from Unitarianism. Nigeria needs a weaker centre and stronger regions.
Tackling IPOB and MASSOB
Agitation for Biafra is heightened by the overzealousness of security agents. The agencies should be restrained from arresting people involved in the peaceful demonstration. On occasion, criminals attempt to hijack peaceful protests; anyone caught in acts of lawlessness could be arrested briefly and then prosecuted in court immediately. Similarly, operators of illegal radio stations like Nnamdi Kanu should be charged to court immediately. There have been at least three court decisions directing that Kanu should be released, but he is still held even after he has met his bail conditions. The government itself should abide by the rule of law.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fighting Corruption With Double-Standards And Human Rights Abuses

By Femi Aribisala
In just six months, the government’s anti-corruption policy has gone off the rail.  During the election, candidate Buhari made this pledge: “Whoever that is indicted of corruption between 1999 to the time of swearing-in, would be pardoned. I am going to draw a line, anybody who involved himself in corruption after I assume office, will face the music.”

At the time, cynical observers insisted this was designed to reassure corrupt members of his APC party who were campaigning for him that he would not come after them after the election but would let sleeping dogs lie.
But once in office, the president dropped this pledge the same way he and his party have conveniently jettisoned a number of their campaign promises.  Speaking on his official trip to the United States, the president declared he would arrest and prosecute past ministers and other officials who stole Nigeria’s oil and diverted government money into personal accounts.
CNN iReport maintains Buhari’s new position to probe and prosecute his predecessors prompted tete-a-tete among former military rulers.   The outcome of this was the warning that it would not be in the president’s interest to pursue that line of action.  Prince Kassim Afegbua, Babangida’s media adviser, released a statement on behalf of his boss that reads:

“On General Buhari, it is not in IBB’s tradition to take up issues with his colleague former President. But for the purpose of record, we are conversant with General Buhari’s so-called holier-than-thou attitude. He is a one-time Minister of Petroleum and we have good records of his tenure as minister. Secondly, he also presided over the Petroleum Trust Fund, PTF, which records we also have.
“We challenge him to come out with clean hands in those two portfolios he headed. Or, we will help him to expose his records of performance during those periods. Those who live in glass houses do not throw stones. General Buhari should be properly guided.”
Immediately thereafter Femi Adesina, President Buhari’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, hastened to declare that the government’s probes would be limited to the Jonathan administration.  He claimed it would be “a waste of time” to go beyond that.
This was the first curious exclusion in the government’s anti-corruption policy: former generals who became heads of state are untouchables.  As a result, the CNN maintained the American government concluded the Nigerian government is not serious about anti-corruption.  American businessmen who bribed Nigerian officials in the Halliburton scandal have been sent to jail in the United States.  However, the more culpable Nigerian politicians who demanded and received the bribes are allowed to go scot-free in Nigeria.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

President Buhari: Enough Of Excuses, Please!

By Sunny Ikhioya
Excuses do not get things done. Those at the helm of the nation’s affair must begin to realize this by now. Six months after, there should be signs of the so much trumpeted change or a positive approach towards that direction.

People are becoming weary of promises and excuses, they want to see action. A couple of days back, I received a mail from Mr Dan Ekoko, President of the Salimo-wits foundation, an NGO that is silently impacting lives in Nigeria through; youth leadership initiatives, wealth empowerment and positive health advancement. Mr Ekoko has this to say about present situation in the country; “It’s time to call Mr President to change his negative talk about Nigeria.
Yes, we have had bad leadership at all levels of government in the past.
Yes, corruption has been around with us a while
Yes, infrastructures are in bad shape, need refurbishment renewal and additions to our road, rails ,ports, etc
What we need more than ever to stem the current situation of these problems is not talking endlessly about them but speaking out the measures that his administration wants to adopt to change how govt biz will be managed going forward.” And, I absolutely agree with him.
The crying and lamentation s of the present leadership is beginning to give everyone headache, it is as if they were unaware of the challenges facing the nation before deciding to delve in.
Almost everyone agrees that there was misrule during the sixteen years of PDP’s rule and that accounted for why they performed woefully in the last election.
The APC government therefore, is assumed to be a corrective and change one, they did leave us with the impression during campaigns that, they already have the formula to steer the nation’s sinking ship on course, so, why the whining now?
Our obsession with the performance of the immediate past government will not allow us to move forward. Whatever happened, has happened. The previous leadership did not do well, that is why they were voted out, we must forget about the past and move forward. If anyone has done anything against the law, the normal process of investigation and trial should be followed but we must move forward.
It is important for our president to know that no amount of foreign trips and lobbying will change the situation of this country, it is only the people- Nigerians- that can make it happen. He will succeed if he genuinely carry the people along and not through instruments of coercion or condemnation.

75 Billion Naira Peter Obi Left In Anambra: Need For Public, Televised Debate

By Valentine Obienyem
Governments borrow money whenever there is need. Mr. Peter Obi did not borrow; because he felt Anambra State needed to be stabilized first and he did it completely. If well managed, the money saved for the State in foreign currency would go a long way in sustaining the development of the State.

Now, his predecessor, Gov Willie Obiano, thinks differently. He plans to undertake massive borrowing, and as far as I know, Mr. Obi has not, and is not attempting to stop him. Does Obi even have the capacity to do so? Rather than fulfil their heart's desires, they must first of all tell lies about the money Obi left in the treasury after his tenure as governor. They are even trying desperately to hang the cross of debt on him. Too bad!
For clarity sake, on coming to office, Obi spent his first year to complete all the contracts awarded by his predecessors. In some cases, he had to start from scratch. Obi, for example, paid over 35 billion in arrears of pension and gratuity.
Though they inflated the figures, but the point to note is that the debt they are talking about in their press conference is contract sum on projects yet to be executed. What an absurd reasoning! How can somebody, for example, say you owe 10 Naira you will use to build a house you have just conceived? This is incestuous reasoning!
As a matter of fact, during his inauguration, Gov. Obiano listed many projects he would undertake, some of which are, an airport project, three power stations, among others. He started three flyovers at the initial cost of 5 Billion Naira that was later varied to 15 Billion Naira. They diverted the money meant for the road, from Amansea to Amawbia roundabout, which Obi started, to his three flyovers. The contractor doing those flyovers is owed over 7 Billion Naira. He also started the construction of three roads to the airport simultaneously. Are these are not enough reasons to convince Anambra people on the need to borrow rather than bring Mr. Peter Obi into it?
Before Chief Willie became Governor, Obi designed the road from Umueje to Oil rig with a 100 meter bridge at the cost of 9 Billion, but characteristic of him, Willie added two other roads, including the one from Aguleri with two bridges at the cost of over 20 Billion Naira. The only major road he awarded in Anambra Central is Oba-Umuoji (Stauphanet Chapel)at the cost of 3.7 Billion Naira; in the North, Ezira-Umuomaku-Enugu-Umuonyia-Achina road (Arab Contractors) at the cost of 4.7 Billion. He did not pay mobilisation in any of the roads.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Planned Kogi Rigging, A Coup Against Democracy– PDP

Press Statement
Planned Kogi Rigging, A Coup Against Democracy – PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has been made aware and hereby informs Nigerians of clandestine meetings involving the Presidency, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and some security forces wherein the agencies were ordered to use official and unofficial means necessary to ensure victory for the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the November 21 Kogi governorship election.
We have incontrovertible records of separate meetings, late last week between the Presidency and the new INEC leadership as well as with some top security officers, which were coordinated by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Engr. Babachir Lawal, who boasted that he has President Muhammadu Buhari’s orders to ensure that Kogi state is wrestled from the PDP by all means.
We alert all to be aware of this planned ‘coup’, against democracy again, by the now ‘new sherrif’, who though, being the biggest beneficiary of free and fair election in the history of Nigeria, is now out to corrupt the electoral system and destroy our democracy, all in the obsession to foist a one-party state in the country.

Intelligence information available to us shows that at the meeting with the new INEC leadership under Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, the commission was given orders regarding the posting of compromised personnel to strategic areas in the state to manipulate the card readers as well as the actual voting process in favour of the APC, with assurance of adequate protection by government security agencies, particularly the Directorate of State Services (DSS).

Asaba Massacres Committed By Nigerian Troops, Not Biafran Troops - Anioma Group

Press Release
The attention of the Proudly Anioma-Proudly Igbo Group of Nigeria, a friendship/family group of Anioma people and their eastern Igbo kith and kin has been drawn to a “Press Release” written by some deluded individuals claiming to speak on behalf of the entire Anioma people. To begin with, it is important to note that the said group “Ndi-Anioma” as they call themselves is not the umbrella body of the Anioma people at home and in the Diaspora. This responsibility lies with the Izu-Anioma organization head by Brig. Gen Alabi Isama (rtd), the Ajieh-Osa, Anagba and Ochiagha of Utagba land.

In the charter of Izu-Anioma, the Anioma people were not defined as an “ethnic group” but rather an umbrella body covering the people identified in the course of Nigerian nationhood as West-Niger Igbos, Western Igbos, then Midwest Igbos , Bendel Igbos and now its often called Delta Igbos. Anioma is a political identity covering the entire area and was coined by the venerable Chief Dennis Osadebay in the late 1970s. It is important as well to note that our leader, Gen. Isama has stated in several fora and without any bit of contradiction that Anioma people are Igbos.
We of the Proudly Anioma-Proudly Igbo organization concur with his assertions. Therefore any claim, a self-seeking one for that matter by a group of political wannabes parading themselves as “the umbrella body of Anioma people” should not be taken by the general public seriously. Their rant is not worth a pinch of salt. We are aware that those parading themselves as “umbrella body of all Anioma people” have their loyalties tied to a particular political party in Nigeria. With such interests, their unfounded claims should not be taken by the public seriously.
As stated by one of our leaders Col Achuzie, the Ikemba of Asaba, we believe that the issues leading to the end of Biafran war and the pacification which followed thereafter has not assuaged a good percentage of the Igbo people of Nigeria that they have been fully integrated in the country. Many of them still feel they have been treated as second-class citizens and there are empirical evidences to suggest that some of these claims have some taints of truth and reality in it. Among some of the issues include the slicing off of some Igbo communities out of core Igbo states and merger to other states. We can give examples:
1.      The area of Ndoki south covering the present Oyigbo (originally Obigbo) transferred from the old Aba division and lumped to Rivers State in 1976. Also, in the 1980s, three Ndoki villages namely Ohaobu, Mkpukpuaja and Ogbuagu villages carved from the then Imo State and lumped to Etim-Ekpo LGA of Akwa Ibom State. It is noteworthy to state that Oyigbo LGA apart from Oloibiri was the first place in Nigeria to produce oil and gas in commercial quantities (at Afam). Unlike Oloibiri which has dried-up since the 1980s, Afam and other Oyigbo oil-fields keep yielding vast quantities of petroleum.

   2. Egbema communities now in Rivers State. Egbema has 16 villages and out of these 16 villages , 3 namely Mgbede, Aggah and Okwuzi has the largest reserves of oil and gas in the community. This is apparently the reason they were lumped to Rivers while the other 13 villages were left in Imo State where they had to contend with more modest reserves of the commodity.

Friday, November 13, 2015

We Didn't Kill Pro-Biafran Activists - Police

The attention of the Nigeria Police Force High Command has been drawn to several false posts on Facebook and other social media, accusing Police of shooting, maiming and even killing members of the Movement for the Actualisation of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) and the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), who have taken their protests to streets, markets and other public places in some eastern states of Nigeria, infringing on the rights and freedom of innocent citizens who were ordinarily going about their lawful businesses.

Despite provocation, the Police have maintained and managed the situation with high sense of responsibility and professionalism.

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon E. Arase, fdc, NPM wishes to state that, the Nigeria Police Force is conscious of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association amongst others as enshrined in Chapter Four of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended), and cannot afford to maim or kill citizens exercising these rights.

Noting that the Nigeria Police are duty-bound to enforce these rights, the IGP charged Police officers in State Commands to ensure that citizens embarking on rallies and other peaceful demonstrations are provided adequate security in line with the standard operational practice of the Force.

The Inspector-General of Police therefore called on all law abiding citizens to disregard the allegations by these groups, describing their allegations as false and calculated attempt to attract undue attention and sympathy. Even though the Nigeria Police Force appreciates the freedom and rights of citizens under the Constitution, the groups are strongly advised to respect the rights and freedom of others while exercising theirs.

The IGP, while calling on leadership of Ohanaeze to wade into these superfluous protests, to save the law-abiding and innocent citizens in the affected states from the hardship being melted out by the groups, reminded those embarking on violent protests/assemblies that such actions are criminalised by law, and anybody arrested will be treated as such under the appropriate legislations.

Ag. ACP Olabisi Kolawole
Force Public Relations Officer,
Force Headquarters,


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nigeria: Growing Impunity, Abuse Of Power, Violation Of Human Rights And Manipulation Of The Judiciary – PDP

Communiqué Issued At The End Of One-Day PDP National Conference Held at ThisDay Dome, Abuja On Thursday, November 12, 2015 

In keeping with Article 33 (5, 8) of the constitution of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the National Working Committee (NWC), acting on behalf of the National Executive Committee (NEC) formally authorized the convening of a Special National Party Conference.
The Conference was held at the ThisDay Dome, Abuja on Thursday, 12th of November, 2015.
The Conference was attended by Party leaders and key stakeholders including, founding members of the Party, serving and former elected and appointed officers on the platform of the party at all levels as well as youth and women leaders across the country.
The objectives of the Conference include:
1. To take stock of the party’s performance at the 2015 Presidential and general elections.
2. To reflect on the future of the party with a view to providing better options for the Nigerian electorate.
The theme of the Conference was “PDP and the Sustenance of Democratic Ideals In Nigeria”
Key resource persons at the Conference include: 
1. Prof. ABC Nwosu
2. Amb. Mrs. Nkoyo Toyo
3. Kabiru Tanimu Turaki. SAN
4. Prof. Dakas J Dakas
The Conference observed as follows:
Whereas the PDP was established to:
1. Restore democracy and rule of law in Nigeria and usher in the Third Republic
2. Reaffirm that federalism bequeathed to us by the founding fathers of the country remains the only acceptable form of government in Nigeria.
3. Accelerate National development, protect the basic freedoms and fundamental rights of Nigerian citizens,
The Conference noted the selfless contributions of the Party in the struggle to enthrone democratic governance as well as strengthening the framework for sustainable democracy in the last 16 years.

It's So Dangerous To Be A Black American!

By Kyle Lydell Canty
Black people or people of African descent living in the United States should consider seeking asylum in other countries. That’s what I did. On 24 September, I applied for asylum in Canada. We were brought to America as slaves, and the country hasn’t changed its ways at all since then.
Throughout my life, police departments have harassed me and made me fear for my life – this is something many other people of color will have experienced too. 
If you’re black in the US you will always have to go through persecution and discrimination at some point in your life. Black Americans are killed in large numbers by the police, regularly denied the same education and access to housing as white Americans and face hurdles when trying to vote. All these forms of discrimination are racist – yet they continue nonetheless.

I Was Raped 43,200 Times – Human Trafficking Survivor

*Karla Jacinto
By her own estimate, 43,200 is the number of times she was raped after falling into the hands of human traffickers.
She says up to 30 men a day, seven days a week, for the best part of four years -- 43,200.
Her story highlights the brutal realities of human trafficking in Mexico and the United States, an underworld that has destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of Mexican girls like Karla.

Human trafficking has become a trade so lucrative and prevalent, that it knows no borders and links towns in central Mexico with cities like Atlanta and New York.