

Showing posts with label US Supreme Court Approves Gay Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Supreme Court Approves Gay Marriage. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

America: In Lust We Trust

Banji Ojewale
This article is a dirge for the soul of the United States of America. It died on June 26, 2015 when the US Supreme Court, covertly and overtly, prompted by President Barack Obama, legalised same-sex marriage. The judges’ slim 5-4 verdict severed the country from the hallowed grounds of the conjugal institution established by God, Creator of Heaven and Earth along with all their inhabitants.

His inviolable decree on marriage says it must be between two consenting opposite sexes, not among like gender. His law has worked for His plan for the perpetuation of the human race. In other words, the marital relationship involving the male and his opposite number gives life, supports life, sustains life and satisfies life. Its breach on the other hand, brings death, breeds destruction and begets disaster and sexual bedlam. How would same-sex reproduce life, if its promoters, votaries and practitioners were to have their way? It is death for those taking that road.

Their way threatens mankind with extinction since the reach isn’t for procreation but for bestial and unproductive pleasure. Obama and the US are proving to be successors of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, luring millions to their graves with effete gay music. The American leader joined several others in rhapsodic celebration to hail the Court’s ruling. He topped it by interrupting a live TV programme as he phoned a gay fellow who was on set, felicitating with him on the occasion of the judicial decision.

Coupled with how he has always heckled African nations to embrace the ideology of the LGBT throng or be deprived the US aid, this macabre dance of Obama has made some discerning observers to wonder if the American leader and his ilk are not closet gay persons.