

Showing posts with label The Plight of the girl-child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Plight of the girl-child. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How Not To Spoil The Female Child

By Udodilim B. Ijeoma
The role of woman in life can’t be over emphasized. Her womb houses her fellow creature for nine months and, under a laborious process, delivers him. She nurtures him until he matures to tread his own path. He is very close to the mother than to the father. In the light of this, he is easily influenced by the mother. Much of what he learns or does is credited to the mother.
(*pix: Ventures Africa)
A good mother transforms her home into paradise for her family and other people with whom she comes into contact. Under a good woman, the wider environment blossoms in all endeavours. A female child develops into a woman. The entire society will swim in an ocean of bliss if the female child is brought up responsibly. Otherwise, sorrow and catastrophe will be the order of the day
To bring up the female child in the most responsible manner several factors are inextricably involved. As the first social unit she comes into contact with, the family sets the ball rolling. Sexual promiscuity which exists in some families today should stop so that the child will not have the impression that it is the normal way of life. The couple should keep their marriage vows by being faithful to each other under any situation. Also bitter quarrels that can degenerate into flexing of muscles should be avoided.