

Showing posts with label Repressive government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repressive government. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Cruelty And The Future Of Nigeria

By Jerome-Mario Utomi
When Niccolo Machiavelli first came up with the idea that cruelty could be rightly or wrongly employed in governing a country, he may have had Nigeria in mind. According to him, ‘cruelty is used well ‘(if it is permissible to talk in this way of what is evil) when it is employed once for all, and one’s safety depends on it, and then it is not persisted in but as far as possible turned to the good of one’s subjects.
Again, cruelty badly used is that which, although infrequent to start with, as time goes, rather than disappearing, grows in intensity’’. Unfortunately, this is where we are today.