

Showing posts with label Nigerian Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigerian Poetry. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Is Christopher Okigbo’s Star Here Again With Us?

By Banji Ojewale
“An old star departs, leaves us here on the shore, gazing heavenward for a new star approaching. The new star appears, foreshadows its going, before a going and coming that goes on forever…”
— Christopher Okigbo, in Path of Thunder
Nigeria appears to be falling again under the excruciating spell of a star presaged by this remarkable poet of limitless possibilities.
At the time Christopher Okigbo wrote the poem shortly before his death in 1967, the young republic had writhed in a series of setbacks dating from the Western Region upheavals. Okigbo had a keen mind that correctly interpreted these crises as the shadows of some bigger, more devastating whirlwind into which we were being drawn.