

Showing posts with label NGOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NGOs. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Prioritising African Women, Gender Inclusion In Policy Making

 By Jumai Ahmadu

Addressing social norms and stereotypes that have over the years impeded naturally inbuilt women’s potentials of not just being managers and stabilisers in the family, but, also, great contributors to a nation’s socio-economic development is very necessary. The power of investment in African women, through promoting growth, stability and development, is akin to investment in nation.


Hence governments of African states have been tasked to prioritise women and gender inclusion in policy making process such that it will create a pathway and cornerstone of actions by government and development partners. African women should liaise with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, local and international NGOs to have mechanisms to interface with industry experts in ICT, media and entertainment in their respective countries in order to instigate deliberate policies on gender inclusion and women’s economic empowerment.