Showing posts with label Joel Barlow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joel Barlow. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

No Food, No Fuel, No Power, No Forex, No Hope

 By Dele Sobowale

“An army marches on its stomach.” 

Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821; Vanguard Book of Quotations, p. 14, available online

Right now several millions of Nigerians’ stomachs are empty; and movement has virtually stopped. Unfortunately, it is not only the scarcity of food and high prices which are slowing us down, scarcity of all the things which make life worth living in the new millennium imperil us.

Fuel is scarce; and will remain so indefinitely. The Minister of Power is powerless and can seldom supply beyond 4,000MW per day. The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, after the initial attempt to force down exchange rate, is now tired and bewildered.