

Showing posts with label Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Liberia: Social Revolution Or Barbarism—A State On The Edge Of An Explosion

By Alfred P. B. Kiadii
No victory is worth winning without a bit of sacrifice or suffering. So we accept the evolving processes in the Homeland, as we prepare ourselves for the task of nation-building. The vulgar minds suppose we are wishful thinkers, but beyond their noses and the abstraction of common sense they understand not complicated processes and see not the simmering contradictions, driven by molecular movement that lies beneath the surface. Such sterility preclude them from understanding that under certain conditions everything changes into its opposite. 
*President George Weah of Liberia 
Lost is the euphoria; gone is the spectacle in the street. The vivacious displays of pomp and pageantry is no more. The masses are in tattered t-shirts, living in penury. Hope seems no more, as the government talks poor but acts rich. The change mantra is gradually becoming a chain. The hope for a better tomorrow is akin to a pipe-dream. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

New African Magazine August 2015 Out Now

Monday, 10th August/ London:

Ethiopia is increasingly in the spotlight for a number of reasons. As Africa's oldest independent country and the second largest in terms of population it has served as a symbol of African independence throughout the colonial period, was a founder member of the United Nations and remains the African base for many international organisations, most notably the African Union Commission. Most recently Ethiopia hosted thousands of delegates at third international conference on Financing for Development and played host to the US President Barack Obama during the first visit by a serving American president to that country. Addis Ababa will also be the venue for the forthcoming Africa Japan Business Investment Forum ( at the end of August 2015.

The latest issue of New African magazine carries an exclusive, in depth and broad ranging interview with Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn. Topics covered include the PM’s views on democracy and the greater inclusion of opposition and other voices, good governance, employment creation and an overview of the country’s inclusive Growth and Transformation Plan with its focus on indigenisation, manufacturing and industrialisation, as well as broader issues impacting the Horn of Africa. We also get an insight into the life and times of Zimbabwe’s Vice President, Emerson Mnangagwa and the former Prime Minister of Namibia Nahas Angula.

Also in this issue – the cover story takes a futuristic look at Africa’s role in shaping its own developmental agenda, as Africa’s leaders and leading policymakers prepare to join other world governments at the United Nations in September in order to adopt the much-talked about new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the landmark Millennium Development Goals draw to a close.

Other features include ‘Kenya/Tech’, the Kenyan government's new startup craze; a look at development aid to Africa from a Nordic perspective; the rise of Venture Capital firms in Africa and a narrative on a new movement in East Africa to make motorcycle taxis, one of the most popular forms of transport, safer. Alongside these stories are the regular Opinion pieces, cultural reviews and sector reports,  

The August issue is out now and digitally available via It is also available on Apple and Android app stores