

Showing posts with label Cecil Rhodes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cecil Rhodes. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mugabe: Sleeping With The Dragon-Queen

By Dare Babarinsa
Finally, Robert Mugabe is separated from power. One impertinent journalist was said to have once asked the perennial president: “Mr Mugabe, when are you going to say bye-bye to the people of Zimbabwe?”

He replied: “Where are they going?”
*Robert and Grace Mugabe 
 Finally the people of Zimbabwe, who once regarded him as the ultimate hero, left him. It took a non-coup by the Zimbabwean military and the nudging of South Africa to convince Mugabe that the game has ended and it was time for the big masquerade to return to Igbale, the portal of the dead. What years of diplomatic isolation and protests by fractious opposition could not achieve, Grace, Mugabe’s graceless dragon-queen achieved. She wanted a dynasty and sought the hero to make her the queen after his long reign must have ended. She worked hard to change the tide of history using the old weapon of bottom-power to her advantage. She failed.

Robert Mugabe: Freedom Fighter Or Dictator?

By Kwaku Tafari
Last Friday, I was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic Mugabe: Freedom Fighter or Dictator at Futa Square in Nima. It was an educative session. I want to share the bullet points I touched on here. I further explained the points during the lecture though. Follow and read more on the points raised. Thank you.

1.      Amilcar Cabral stated in his book Unity and Struggle that “In all our studies, history is best qualified to reward all research.” On this basis let me take you slightly into history.
2.    It was Kwame Nkrumah, the one who knows that stated that “Those who would judge us merely by the heights we have achieved would do well to remember the depths from which we started.”
3.    Once upon a time, there lived a happy people called Matabeleland with their great king called Lobengula Khumalo. Matabeleland was named after its people, the Ndebele. Other ethnic groups include Tonga, Kalanga, Venda, Khoi Sani, Twana, Xhosa and Zulu.
4.    One fine afternoon, a group of free-booters led by Cecil Rhodes, (a man who had the reasoning that “the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race”. He therefore advocated vigorous settler colonialism, describing the country’s black population as largely “in a state of barbarism” and advocated their governance as a “subject race” and was at the center of moves to marginalize them politically. He is a White Supremacist and “an architect of Apartheid) visited Matabeleland with some few drinks (snaps), mirror, gun and gun powder and 100 British Pounds and presented it to the king.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Do We Have A Budding Grace Mugabe In Nigeria?

By Reno Omokri
There appears to be a lot more in common between former Zimbabwean First Lady, Grace Mugabe, and Nigeria’s present First Lady, Aisha Buhari, than immediately meets the eye. I don’t even know why few people have connected the dots before now, seeing as they are both almost always in the eye of a media storm.
*Grace Mugabe 
For one, they are both breathtakingly beautiful although I favour Grace Mugabe. My gosh, Grace Mugabe is beautiful! If I had ever been Mugabe’s deputy, I may have preferred to inherit her rather than the Presidency were anything to befall my boss. I hope I am not giving Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa any ideas.

But I digress, and I beg your pardon. I am, after all, a man, and women like Grace Mugabe naturally tend to have this type of effect on our reasoning faculties if truth were to be told. But beyond their ravishing beauty, both Grace and Aisha married men that were vastly older than them and this more or less made them trophy wives. Grace Mugabe is just 52 while her husband, Robert Mugabe is 93. The age gulf between them is 41 years.