

Showing posts with label Bangladesh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bangladesh. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Nigeria’s Girl-Child Is A Resident Of Hell

 By Ray Ekpu

Recently, the world marked the International Day of the Girl-Child. Who is the girl-child and why is she singled out for attention throughout the world? That is what we plan to deal with here today. A girl-child is a biological female child who is any age from zero to 18 years. She is not only different from a boy-child but her needs are also different; her level of vulnerability is higher and many families and communities tend to treat her differently from, and in a manner that is inferior to, the way they treat the boychild.

Nigeria is regarded as a country of the young. About 46 per cent of Nigeria’s population are under age 15 and about 51 per cent of that population are said to be girls. Nigeria accounts for more than one in five out-of-school children anywhere in the world and more than 50 per cent of that number are girls. Even though primary school education is largely free and compulsory in Nigeria’s public schools about 33 per cent of eligible children are out of primary school.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Heart-Wrenching Tales Of An African Illegal Immigrant In Europe

By Joel Savage
It's hard for many Africans in Europe, to tell Africans at home the truth about the hard living conditions in Europe. In the midst of suffering, many Africans in Europe take pictures sitting behind a table covered with bottles of beer, creating a false impression that they live in comfort and luxury.
I share my stories to warn Africans that Europe is not paradise, a perfect place of riches, peace, and happiness. After reading this story, any African who wants to come to Europe must think twice. As a child growing up in a strongly religious family, I was taught that everything which is opposite to the teachings of the Holy Bible, including laziness is a sin. I tried my best to live a clean life. We were taught to believe that Israel, Jerusalem, and other Biblical countries were all in heaven, without a slight knowledge those countries were all on the same earth we are living.