

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Soludo Just Signed The Certificate Of His Marriage To Irrelevance

 By Onyemaechi Ogbunwezeh 

Charles Chukwuma Soludo is an intelligent man no doubt. But his most recent write up on Peter Obi, was to all intents and purposes, certifiably stupid. There is no polite way of telling an intelligent man, that he goofed big time. 

*Soludu and Obi

In all his wisdom, he missed the most important fact of this period. He missed the fact that Peter Obi is not the one running for President. He failed to realize that it is the ordinary, dispossessed and oppressed Nigerian youth that is running for the Presidency through Peter Obi. 

He thought that this is about Peter Obi. 

He forgot the fact that this is the first time in the history of this country that Nigerian oppressed youths have risen, financed themselves and set out to wrest their destiny from a thieving, visionless and lazy elite, which has disembowelled their aspirations and left them with a broken country without purpose. 

And that is why these youths wouldn't spare him. He derided their pain. He thinks that talking down on them, like has been the lot of his class, would put them in their place. But he missed the fact that this time is different. The Nigerian youth has lost every respect for his class and for people like him, who are poster-boys of all that is wrong with Nigeria. 

And when these youths finish dragging him through his vomit, they will crown it all by sending him off to the islands of political irrelevance. 

Soludo will pay a political price for that mistake. The aggrieved and thoroughly disenfranchised Nigerian youth, who has nothing to lose anymore, is ready to ship Soludo and those privileged leeches like him, into irrelevance come 2023. 

That is the price one pays for hubris.

Soludo saying Peter Obi will not win is like a man standing in front of a moving train, trying to stop an idea, whose time has come. It is a morbid and insane invitation to destruction. 

Soludo failed to heed the Igbo calabash of wisdom, to the fact that once death decides to pay a dog a visit, that it compromises its olfactory faculties, that it can't even perceive the stench of feaces anymore. 

Soludo has his olfactory lobes so compromised by hubris, that he couldn’t even perceive the malodorous stench of that article he defecated, trying to malign the pain of the angry Nigerian youth. 

Soludo is afraid. A tsunami is coming. Soludo and his class of elitist leeches can see it. And they are afraid. His gaseous fulminations of an article are their feeble and wooden attempts to offer a weak resistance to a tsunami they can see coming, but cannot stop. 

Soludo and his likes are already in their mourning process. One of the stations in the mourning process is disbelief. He can see the unpurchased crowds meeting Peter wherever he goes. But they can't believe their eyes. 

They say to themselves: "he can't win". Even when the facts on the streets, disprove their delirium. Soludo and his likes should go and practice these words: "President Peter Obi"!!! 

Peter is coming. 

He will win, even though they are now all conspiring to rig it. But they should go ask the last guys that rigged an election against Peter Obi, what became of them and those stolen mandates. 

I will tell Soludo and his likes what happened on that occasion. They returned the mandates and sauntered into irrelevance. 

Soludo has signed his marriage certificate with irrelevance. That is what you get, when you deride and cheapen the pain, anger, and resolve of your youth, whom the plunder of you and your ilk, left no option. 

Gwazia ndi yard unu.

*Dr. Onyemaechi Ogbunwezeh, a Nigerian scholar and writer, is a Senior Research Fellow and Director for Genocide Prevention at the Christian Solidarity International, Switzerland.


  1. CC. Soludo goofed big time. He has only succeeded in shooting himself in the leg. His journey to irrelevance has just began.

  2. Eloquent, insightful and honest writing.

  3. Even in my dream, I would never have thought that Soludo was such an idiot. There was a professor

  4. Even in my dreams, I would never have thought that Soludo was such an idiot. There was a professor
