

Showing posts with label President Muammar Gadhafi of Libya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Muammar Gadhafi of Libya. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Nigeria: A Country That Refuses To Grow Up

By Dan Agbese
Is it a storm? Is it a gale? Is it a tsunami? It is defection, the latest virus in the sclerotic arteries of our national politics. This poison is the only lucrative political business in town today. People are defecting from APC to PDP and from PDP to APC. It beats common sense but then you would do well to remember that common sense is not exactly a marketable product in the realm of politics, here and indeed, else where.
*Nigeria's Ex-Heads Of State 
Some of us are scratching our heads, wondering about this latest, and not to put a fine spin on it, ugly development in our national politics. The politicians do not believe that they owe us an explanation for what they are doing. But we cannot pretend not to know what is pushing them out of one party into another. It is meet and proper that in search of the why question, we raise questions that seem to beg reason. One of which is, in whose interest?