

Showing posts with label Operation Thunderbolt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operation Thunderbolt. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2022

Just How Cheap Is The Nigerian Life?

 By Passy Amaraegbu

“If you tyruly believe in the value of life, you care about all of the weakest and most vulnerable members of the society”— Joni Eareckson

A casual and cursory look at some of our national daily Newspapers of today confirm that the value of human life in Nigeria is next to nothing. This worrisome trend of events negates the idea of fake news. We are living in dangerous and extremely difficult times. The death of Nigerian citizens through diverse means is common place today.

Besides the general global afflictions and atrocities of this season, there exist some peculiar variants, vagaries and vicissitudes in our nation. There are questions that demand honest answers. What is the true worth of a Nigerian life? Is it appreciating or depreciating? What are the channels of wastage of human life? What is the motive for this unbridled carnage? What can be done within the ambit of the rule of law, to promote and preserve the life of the Nigerian citizen?