

Showing posts with label James Hubbard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Hubbard. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Restructuring: Emir Sanusi Misspoke On Regionalism, Parliamentary System

 By Olu Fasan

There are two forces contending for the future of Nigeria. One is the force of change and progress. The other is the force of conservatism and status quo. The former argues that Nigeria’s political and governance structure is deeply flawed and not working, and that Nigeria must be restructured to make progress.


The latter posits that there’s nothing wrong with Nigeria’s structure; so, there’s nothing to restructure. If anything, it submits, what Nigeria needs is good leadership, as if there is any serious country that puts its faith solely in the goodness of a leader and not in the robustness of its institutions, particularly the constitution, which is the central determinant of how a country is governed.