

Showing posts with label Ending Gender-Based Violence Is A Human Rights Imperative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ending Gender-Based Violence Is A Human Rights Imperative. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2022

Ending Violence Against Women Will Save $1.5tn Annually

 By Patricia Scotland

As we head towards the end of the year, many of us will soon be surrounded by our family and friends sitting around dinner tables as we celebrate the festive season. Looking around the table and reflecting on the fact that, on average, every third woman you see will have experienced sexual or physical abuse at some point in their lives.

*Patricia Scotland
This violence is not a remote act happening in other people’s homes, it lives all around an uninvited guest at the table. It thrives on secrecy, infiltrating homes, communities and workplaces. Yet we are nowhere near an appropriate global response that addresses the scale of this problem. If we are serious about tackling this issue, we cannot continue down the same path, or we will rob ourselves and women around the world of the future and life they deserve.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ending Gender-Based Violence Is A Human Rights Imperative

 By Shobha Shukla

"There is a global epidemic of violence against women – both within conflict zones and within societies at peace –  and it is still treated as a lesser crime and lower priority," said Angelina Jolie, US actress and then-UN Ambassador for refugees more than five years ago.

With the onslaught of the pandemic and global public health emergency and cascading humanitarian crises, these words have only become even more relevant today.

The Asia Pacific region presents some very challenging development indicators for women and girls and socially excluded and marginalized populations. There are deep rooted gender inequalities and discriminatory socio-cultural norms and practices arising out of patriarchal systems and structures, and sexual and other forms of gender-based violence continues to remain pervasive in the region.

According to latest statistics, the proportion of women in Asia Pacific who have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime ranges from 15% in Bhutan, Japan, Lao PDR and Philippines to 64% in Fiji and Solomon Islands. Also 4% (in Japan) to 48% (in Papua New Guinea) of women have experienced intimate partner violence in the last 12 months.