

Showing posts with label Dr. Hakeem Baba Ahmed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Hakeem Baba Ahmed. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2023

When Politicians Buy PVCs

 By Nick Dazang 

Whereas politicians in other climes and jurisdictions obsess themselves with how to add value to their societies and bequeath ennobling legacies, ours, especially those of the Fourth Republic, are simply geniuses of travesty.

They excel at undoing their people or visiting untold destitution on them. Consider an abridged catalogue of their many failings and chicanery: The Nigerian politician is bereft of self-enlightened interest. He does not understand that to sustain the democracy project, and, by extension, his exalted position, he needs to justify the appurtenances of his office by delivering good governance and improving the welfare of his people.