

Showing posts with label Conversation Between Mutoni and Grandma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversation Between Mutoni and Grandma. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Most ‘Sexy Looking Girls’ Do Not Have Someone To Tell Them The Truth!

The following conversation took place between a grandmother and her grand-daughter 


Grandma: Mutoni, where are you going? 

Mutoni: Grandma, I am going to Church. 

Grandma: Really? Please come and sit down and let's talk for a minute before you go. I think we still have ample time before the Church Service begins? Don't we? 

Mutoni: Yes, about an hour.  

Grandma: The way you are dressed, in fact, you look very sexy. 

Mutoni: (Smiling) Thank you very much ma.  

Grandma: Hmmmm, Mutoni, I can see you love that compliment. Please tell me, do you need someone to have sex with you?