

Showing posts with label Christians Against Same-Sex Marraige. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christians Against Same-Sex Marraige. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Theresa May’s Search For Wife In Nigeria

By Paul Onomuakpokpo
It is either that British Prime Minister Theresa May is on the verge of divorcing her husband or she is a lesbian even though she is married to a man, Philip.
In either case, the PM might be considering taking a wife from Nigeria or any other Commonwealth country that her ancestors presided over its expropriation and ruination.
British PM Theresa May President Buhari 
Obviously, May is ruing her mistake of ever getting married to a man. She would have preferred to be a lesbian-husband with a wife. Or why is she rhapsodising about the glories of homosexuality? 
If May does not hanker after lesbianism, then she should be charged with duplicity directed at sexually perverting millions of other people while she is enjoying being married to a man. We could see May’s duplicity in her proselytising zeal for same-sex marriage while at the same time professing how much she has enjoyed the benefits of the marriages of others.