

Showing posts with label Chief Sam Mbakwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chief Sam Mbakwe. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Nigeria At 62: So Far, Not Far

 By Ray Ekpu

When Nigeria lowered the Union Jack and raised the green-white-green flag that heralded its coming of age on October 1, 1960, there was boundless joy in Nigeria. It seemed like the unwrapping of a gift because you knew it was a gift but you did not know what kind of gift was wrapped inside the gaily decorated wrapping paper.

So in journey terms, we did not know how the journey would be, what kind of speed we would use and what kind of roadblocks we would meet on the way. It was, truly speaking, the equivalent of flying blind. But we were enthusiastic. Five short years later, we met a major roadblock.

The soldiers thought they knew what was the problem. They came breaking the soil with their big boots and in the process, they also broke our hearts when they killed some of our leaders which in turn led to revenge killings the revenge killings dragged us into a war that lasted 30 months and consumed one million lives. As it is often said, the rest is history.