

Showing posts with label Fon Christopher Achobang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fon Christopher Achobang. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Why Cameroonians Must Reject President Paul Biya

By Fon Christopher Achobang
After 36 years in power, the records are there to prove that President PAUL BIYA and the CPDM party have failed the people of Cameroon woefully. Yes, everyone, even the old “mamas” in the villages and towns of Cameroon have experienced the effects of bad governance which has brought about the corruption and embezzlement of public funds, for which Cameroon is now internationally known and derided.
*President Buhari and Paul Biya 
But that is no news because some misguided people are quite ready to vote for a corrupt government and a regime made up of people suffering from kleptomania, a disease which in Cameroon, makes the sufferers unable to distinguish between public funds and their own bank accounts. In the past 36 years, President PAUL BIYA and his regime have also been notoriously known for instituting tribalism and ethnic discrimination in the management of the Cameroonian Civil Service and public companies.